Redic Primary Favorite

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 27, 2022 Media Contact: Benjamin N. Redic II70 S Winooski Ave #114 Burlington 05401(802) [email protected] REDIC PROJECTED TO WIN GOP PRIMARY. The nationally recognized UNH and 538 Polls have projected Ericka Redic to win the Republican Primary on August 9th for Vermont’s seat in the United States House of Representatives. These […]

Form Lt. Gov Dubie endorses Redic for Congress

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 29, 2022 Media Contact: Benjamin N. Redic II70 S Winooski Ave #114 Burlington 05401(802) [email protected] Former Vermont Lt. Governor Brian Dubie endorses Redic as GOP candidate for US House of Representitives. In yet another sign of the growing momentum of the Redic campaign to win the GOP nomination for the US […]

Libertarian Party Nominates Redic for Congress

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 1, 2022 Media Contact: Benjamin N. Redic II70 S Winooski Ave #114 Burlington 05401(802) [email protected] VTLP NOMINATES ERICKA REDIC FOR CONGRESS: Ericka Redic, the current frontrunner for the Republican Primary, is proud to announce her nomination for Congress by the Vermont Libertarian Party. Her platform calling to restore integrity, transparency, and […]

Upcoming Events – August 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: July 26, 2022 Media Contact: Benjamin N. Redic II70 S Winooski Ave #114 Burlington 05401(802) [email protected] REDIC FOR CONGRESS APPEARANCES ACROSS VERMONT Ericka Redic, a Republican candidate for the US House of Representatives, will be bringing her message of restoring Integrity, Transparency and Accountability in Washington to Vermonters. With multiple campaign events […]

Redic to Run as a Libertarian

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August 11, 2022 Media Contact: Benjamin N. Redic II70 S Winooski Ave #114 Burlington 05401(802) [email protected] REDIC FOR CONGRESS TO RUN AS LIBERTARIAN Liam Madden underestimated his Republican opposition. As an Independent, he promised Republicans that he would decline the nomination if he won, and that his only goal for running in […]

Randy Gray

I fully support Ericka Redic on a personal level and will do anything within my means to make her victory happen. I have donated to her campaign and would be grateful if we all could work together to elect a strong conservative candidate!” – Randy Gray, Windsor County Republican Chair

Terry Burke

“Ericka is a diligent worker, a creative communicator, a constitutional conservative, a compassionate & empathetic citizen, and always a small government advocate. I consider her a friend and support her campaign for US Congress.” – Terry Burke, Rutland County Republican Chair

Carol DuPont

“I’ve been lucky to have spent some time with Ericka and see her in action. She has the energy and intelligence and life experience to deal with Washington.” – Carol DuPont, Bennington County Republican Chair

Randall Northrop

“I fully support Ericka Redic as a conservative voice to represent Vermont. She is articulate, funny, smart and motivated to do a hard job in Washington. I think she will make a great congresswoman.” – Randall Northrop, Caledonia County Republican Chair

Tom McLinden

“Drugs, crime, and human trafficking flowing over our open boarders, defunding the police, sky high gas prices and runaway inflation, violent felons set free to victimize our neighbors, and foreign policy failures; it doesn’t have to be this way. Ericka Redic will go to Washington to solve problems not create them. She will represent Vermonters […]