As a Vermonter who grew up in Barre and who has served our state in a Public Safety career lasting over 40 years, I am pleased to endorse Ericka Redic for the United States Congress in 2022.
I am a retired VT. State Police Captain who has continued serving with the US Marshal’s, Department of Homeland Security, and in both the Vermont and Federal Courts. From this inside perspective I see the Vermont I grew up in and have worked hard to keep safe, is not the same. Politics and media have supported an unjustified and continuous disrespect for the men and women serving as police officers and the very rule of law itself. Local and state elected representatives seemed to have followed a national, political trend promoting policies favoring those committing crime and ignoring the people who are victimized by it. This is responsible for the daily news of incidents of violence, assault, and shootings, and it is happening here. Police throughout Vermont are suffering unprecedented staffing and resource shortages due the hostile environment that has been created that targets this noble profession.
The first priority of our elected officials at all levels of government, is the safety of the citizens and the communities in which they live. Ericka Redic knows this, and she has been completely clear on her support for law enforcement and the importance of public safety since the beginning of her campaign. She speaks out about the importance of the men and women in our police departments making our communities safe and how it is a priority for her to support them. I support Ericka for Congress because she has the right priorities for Vermont, the personal drive, integrity, and energy to get good things to start happening at the national level. Ericka Redic can be a leader for positive change in Washington DC that will benefit all Vermonters at home. I urge you to vote Ericka Redic for Congress 2022.
Thank you,
Thomas M. Nelson,
Captain, Vt State Police retired
Barton Vermont